Otoño de 1909, al fin
Estos son los movimientos definitivos de este tardón otoño...
Order resolution completed on 24-abr-2007 at 15:44:25 CESTThe turn was edited on 22-abr-2007 at 17:55:07 CEST
Order Results:
Austria: F adr Supports A tyr -> ven
Austria: A arm -> ank
Austria: A con Supports A arm -> ank
Austria: A gal -> war Bounced with sil (1 against 1).
Austria: F ion -> nap Bounced with nap (1 against 1).
Austria: A rum -> ukr
Austria: A sev Supports A rum -> ukr
Austria: A tri Supports A tyr -> ven
Austria: A tyr -> ven
Austria: A vie -> tyr Bounced with mun (1 against 1).
England: A bre Holds
England: F edi -> yor
England: F eng -> lon
England: F lyo Supports A mar
England: A mar Holds
England: F mao Supports A bre
England: A spa Supports A mar
Germany: A bur -> par
Germany: A gas -> bre Bounced with bre (2 against 2).
Germany: F hel -> nth
Germany: F hol Supports F hel -> nth
Germany: A mun -> tyr
Germany: F nth -> edi
Germany: A nwy -> stp
Germany: A pic Supports A gas -> bre
Germany: A pie Supports A mun -> tyr
Germany: A ruh -> mun
Germany: A sil -> war Bounced with gal (1 against 1).
Germany: A war -> mos
Italy: F nap Holds
Italy: A rom Supports A ven
Italy: F tun -> ion Failed because Austria: F ion -> nap failed.
Italy: A ven Holds Dislodged from tyr (3 against 2).
Turkey: F ank -> con Bounced with con (1 against 1). Dislodged from arm (2 against 1).
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