Siento el retraso, pero un jugador me solicitó unas horas más para enviar el turno de tal modo que aunque si que envió el turno el lunes, a mi no me ha dado tiempo hasta hoy a hacer la resolución.
Ya sabéis que avisando con tiempo no hay inconveniente en retrasar el momento de resolución, y en este caso el aviso llegó a tiempo.
Estos han sido los movimientos de la primavera de 1911:
Order resolution completed on 22-may-2007 at 14:08:39 CEST
Order Results:
Austria: F adr Supports F tri -> ven
Austria: A boh -> mun Bounced with mun (1 against 1). Dislodged from sil (2 against 1).
Austria: A bud Supports A gal
Austria: A bul -> gre
Austria: A gal Supports A boh Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly. Austria: A gre -> alb
Austria: F ion Convoys A tun -> apu
Austria: A sev Supports A ukr
Austria: F tri -> ven
Austria: A tun -> apu Convoy path taken: tun→ion→apu.
Austria: A tyr Supports F tri -> ven
Austria: A ukr Supports A gal Support cut by Move from Warsaw.
England: F eng -> nth
England: F lon Supports F eng -> nth
England: A mar Supports A spa -> gas
England: A spa -> gas Bounced with par (2 against 1).
England: F yor -> edi Bounced with edi (1 against 1).
Germany: A bel -> bur
Germany: A ber -> sil
Germany: A bre Supports A par -> gas
Germany: F edi Supports F nth Support cut by Move from Yorkshire.
Germany: F hol -> bel
Germany: F kie -> den
Germany: A mos Supports A war -> ukr
Germany: A mun Supports A sil -> boh
Germany: F nth Holds Dislodged from eng (2 against 1).
Germany: A par -> gas Bounced with spa (2 against 1).
Germany: A pru -> war Failed because Germany: A war -> ukr failed.
Germany: A sil -> boh
Germany: A stp Holds
Germany: A ven -> tyr Bounced with tyr (1 against 1). Dislodged from tri (3 against 1). Germany: A war -> ukr Bounced with ukr (2 against 2).
No order for unit at Naples. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Tuscany. Hold order assigned.
Italy: F nap Holds
Italy: A tus Holds
Un saludo a todos