Ya adelanto que ha habido un par de erratas en el turno de Austria... Que creo que tampoco han tenido mucha incidencia en el resultado final del turno.
Alemania se ve obligada a realizar dos movimientos de retirada, pero pese a todo logra incrementar en una sus bases controladas a final de turno lo que sigue dándole emoción al final de partida pese a la ruptura de las defensas germanas por parte del ejército austríaco.
Estos son los movimientos
Order resolution completed on 28-jun-2007 at 22:37:42 CEST
Order Results:
No order for unit at Sevastopol. Hold order assigned.
Austria: F adr -> ion
Austria: A boh Supports A gal -> sil
Austria: A bud -> gal
Austria: A gal -> sil
Austria: F ion -> tys
Austria: F naf -> mao
Austria: A pie Supports A mar
Austria: A sev Holds
Austria: A tus Supports A pie
Austria: A tyr -> mun Bounced with mun (1 against 1).
Austria: A ukr Supports A bud -> gal
Austria: A ven Supports A tyr Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly. Austria: A vie Supports A bohAustria: F wes Supports F naf -> mao
The Fleet in Belgium cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
England: F bel -> hol Bounced with hol (1 against 1). Dislodged from hol (3 against 1).
England: F eng -> bre Bounced with bre (1 against 1).
England: A gas -> bur
England: A mar Supports A gas -> bur
England: F yor -> lon
No order for unit at Warsaw. Hold order assigned.
Germany: A bre Supports F pic Support cut by Move from English Channel.
Germany: A bur Supports A mun Support cut by Move from Gascony. Dislodged from gas (2 against 1).
Germany: F cly -> edi
Germany: F hol -> bel
Germany: A mos Supports A war
Germany: A mun Supports A bur Support cut by Move from Tyrolia.
Germany: F nth Supports F hol -> bel
Germany: F nwg -> nao
Germany: F pic Supports F hol -> bel
Germany: A pru Supports A war
Germany: A sil Supports A mun Support cut by Move from Galicia. Dislodged from gal (2 against 1).
Germany: A stp Supports A mos
Germany: A war Holds